051 Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis

Zhangwenniu 于 2023-11-19 发布



Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis



Mojtaba Bemana MPI Informatik Germany mbemana@mpi-inf.mpg.de

Karol Myszkowski MPI Informatik Germany karol@mpi-inf.mpg.de

Jeppe Revall Frisvad Technical University of Denmark Denmark jerf@dtu.dk

Hans-Peter Seidel MPI Informatik Germany hpseidel@mpi-inf.mpg.de

Tobias Ritschel University College London UK t.ritschel@ucl.ac.uk

作者主要来自于德国的MPI Informatik(马克思-普朗克-信息研究所)。

Informatics: Accelerated progress in computing through new algorithms Algorithms and their applications are and have always been the main focus of the Institute. They are the core of what makes computer systems useful and productive. They influence every aspect of our daily lives and are the basis for industrial change. Throughout the last decade, major parts of our research effort have focused on multimodal computing. The grand challenge is to understand, search, and organize large, distributed, noisy, incomplete, and diverse information in a robust, efficient, and intelligent manner. Our research ranges from foundations (algorithms and complexity, automation of logic) to a variety of multimodal domains (computer graphics and vision, geometric computation, intelligent information systems, adaptive networks). In recent years, research on foundations of machine learning, as well as the investigation of machine learning and artificial intelligence methods at the intersection to the aforementioned research domains, has become an important part of the research of our institute. The overarching mission of the Institute is to be one of the world’s top players and strategic trend-setters on these topics. Most of the major advances in computer science have come through the combination of new theoretical insights and application-oriented experimental validation, all driven by outstanding researchers. Our goal is, thus, to have impact through publications, software, services, and data resources enabled by our research, and people alike.



最终发表于2022年的SIGGRAPH,Conference Proceedings. Home Page

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      title={Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis}, 
      author={Mojtaba Bemana and Karol Myszkowski and Jeppe Revall Frisvad and Hans-Peter Seidel and Tobias Ritschel},





NeTO的评价: More recently, Bemana et al. [2] leverage NeRF for novel view synthesis of transparent objects and show good performance to render novel views. However, since it targets novel view synthesis rather than reconstruction, it’s difficult to extract reliable geometry from the method. Different from the above methods, we leverage volume rendering to simulate the refractiontracing path for geometry optimization.

OmnimatteRF: Robust Omnimatte with 3D Background Modeling Since then, it has been extended along multiple axes:better appearance modeling (e.g., reflection and refraction) [31, 5, 2, 1], faster optimization [8, 27, 23] and modeling dynamic scenes [38, 17, 10, 19]. 5是本文

HyperReel: High-Fidelity 6-DoF Video with Ray-Conditioned Sampling Existing works like Eikonal fields [8] can be considered a special case of this sample warping approach; they use physically derived Eikonal constraints to learn ray-conditional warp fields for refractive objects. Although our sample network is not guaranteed to be physically interpretable, it can handle both reflections and refractions. Further, it is far more efficient at inference time and does not require evaluating costly multi-step ODE solvers during rendering. See Figure 1 and our supplemental materials for additional results and comparisons on challenging view-dependent scenes.

NeRFrac: Neural Radiance Fields through Refractive Surface Eikonal Fields (EiF) [6] optimizes for a field of 3D-varying IOR and trace light that bends toward the spatial gradients according to the laws of eikonal light transport. The refraction scene it uses, such as a crystal ball, is quite different from our setting, resulting in a bias when using EiF on our data. We show a comparison with this method in the supplementary material. Despite these extensive advancements of the basic NeRF, refractive scene representation has hardly been explored. Several works[3, 6, 13] do apply a NeRF to refractive scenes but do not capture the physical behavior of light which is essential to accurately represent the scene as we demonstrate. [6]. 6是本文

Multi-Space Neural Radiance Fields Bemana1 et al. [3] capture a dataset consisting of refractive objects, which is composed of four scenes with cameras moving in a large range.



ABSTRACT We tackle the problem of generating novel-view images from collections of 2D images showing refractive and reflective objects. Current solutions assume opaque or transparent light transport along straight paths following the emission-absorption model. Instead, we optimize for a field of 3D-varying index of refraction (IoR) and trace light through it that bends toward the spatial gradients of said IoR according to the laws of eikonal light transport. CCS CONCEPTS • Computing methodologies → Image-based rendering. KEYWORDS refraction; deep learning; eikonal rendering



CCS 概念 计算机方法-> 基于图像的渲染。



1-231119。Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis,发表于2022 SIGGRAPH。解决强折射物体的新视角合成问题,基于MLP估计的折射率计算法向量,弯折空间光线并积分渲染。方法具体而言,第一阶段优化挡光物体假设情况,第二阶段存在透明物体折射假设的情况。实验效果方面,能够体现出水对物体的弯折效果,但清晰度不够。存在的问题方面,一是时间较慢、多阶段,二是估计的IOR与真实情况不符,解耦合不准确。

1-231119. Eikonal Fields for Refractive Novel-View Synthesis. This paper is published on 2022 SIGGRAPH(Special Interest Groups for Computer GRAPHICS). The work aims to solve novel view synthesis(nvs) problem for objects with highly refractive properties. As for method, they estimate normal vector by computing the gradients of index of refraction(IOR) field, which is learned by a MLP. They bend the ray along the refracted direction, then use volume rendering to render the picture. Specifically, they adopt a two stage method. In the first stage, they optimize nerf fields in an opaque assumption. In the second stage, they optimize a IOR field to hold transparent objects. Key properties are stored in grids vertices. For experiments performance, they can render a picture with objects bent behind water or glasses performance caused by refraction. The limitations are that the render time is long and they adopt two-stage render procedure, as well as maintain multiple MLP to learn different fields. On the other hand, the estimated IOR is not the same with real-scene objects, the decomposition is not accurate enough.