052 Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction

Zhangwenniu 于 2023-11-20 发布



Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction



Ivo Ihrke 1,2, 1 University of British Columbia, Canada, ihrke@mmci.uni-saarland.de 2 Saarland University, MPI Informatik, Germany 不列颠哥伦比亚大学,位于加拿大。一个集各种地名于一身的大学。

Kiriakos N. Kutulakos 3, 3 University of Toronto, Canada, kyros@cs.toronto.edu

Hendrik P. A. Lensch 4, 4 Ulm University, Germany, hendrik.lensch@uni-ulm.de

Marcus Magnor 5 5 TU Braunschweig, Germany, magnor@cg.tu-bs.de

Wolfgang Heidrich 1 1 University of British Columbia, Canada, heidrich@cs.ubc.ca



文章发表于 Computer Graphics forum.

Edited By: Helwig Hauser and Pierre Alliez Impact factor (2022):2.5 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate, 2023): 52/108 (Computer Science, Software Engineering (Science)) Online ISSN:1467-8659 Print ISSN:0167-7055 © The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

该期刊2022年的影响因子IF是2.5,来源于Wiley Online Library. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678659.




来自Wiley Online Library的bib citation https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1111%2Fj.1467-8659.2010.01753.x

author = {Ihrke, Ivo and Kutulakos, Kiriakos N. and Lensch, Hendrik P. A. and Magnor, Marcus and Heidrich, Wolfgang},
title = {Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction},
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
volume = {29},
number = {8},
pages = {2400-2426},
keywords = {range scanning, transparent, specular, and volumetric objects, I.4.8 Scene Analysis, Range Data, Shape I.2.10 Vision and Scene Understanding, 3D Scene Analysis},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01753.x},
url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01753.x},
eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01753.x},
abstract = {Abstract This state of the art report covers reconstruction methods for transparent and specular objects or phenomena. While the 3D acquisition of opaque surfaces with Lambertian reflectance is a well-studied problem, transparent, refractive, specular and potentially dynamic scenes pose challenging problems for acquisition systems. This report reviews and categorizes the literature in this field. Despite tremendous interest in object digitization, the acquisition of digital models of transparent or specular objects is far from being a solved problem. On the other hand, real-world data is in high demand for applications such as object modelling, preservation of historic artefacts and as input to data-driven modelling techniques. With this report we aim at providing a reference for and an introduction to the field of transparent and specular object reconstruction. We describe acquisition approaches for different classes of objects. Transparent objects/phenomena that do not change the straight ray geometry can be found foremost in natural phenomena. Refraction effects are usually small and can be considered negligible for these objects. Phenomena as diverse as fire, smoke, and interstellar nebulae can be modelled using a straight ray model of image formation. Refractive and specular surfaces on the other hand change the straight rays into usually piecewise linear ray paths, adding additional complexity to the reconstruction problem. Translucent objects exhibit significant sub-surface scattering effects rendering traditional acquisition approaches unstable. Different classes of techniques have been developed to deal with these problems and good reconstruction results can be achieved with current state-of-the-art techniques. However, the approaches are still specialized and targeted at very specific object classes. We classify the existing literature and hope to provide an entry point to this exiting field.},
year = {2010}





2-231120. Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction,发表于2010年的Computer Graphics forum, 该期刊在2022年的影响力因子为2.5。本文是一篇综述文章,汇总在2010年以前重建镜面高光物体、半透明物体、透明物体的方法。文章按照材质表面的性质对重建方法分类,按照重建的程度,由易到难介绍漫反射表面、漫反射与镜面的混合、平滑表面、具有次反射的表面、理想折射场景、体积重建、散射的体积重建、多散射的雾状体积、混合场景,着重介绍反光与透明物体。就反光物体而言,2010年以前,主要采用偏振光分析、结构光扫描、调整光源等方式处理高光镜面、次表面反射的物体。到2023年,反光物体重建已经有比较好的重建方法,参见Ref-neus和NeRO两篇文章。

​3-231121. Transparent and Specular Object Reconstruction. 全文20页,涉及到153篇参考文献,主要囊括2010年以前对反光、折射、雾状物体的重建方法。对折射物体而言,主要方法是设计结构化的激光扫描,或者将透明物体置于相同折射率的荧光溶液中,使用断层扫描的方式重建。折射物体一般需要预设折射率信息,做材质的均匀性假设,非均匀介质的重建更加复杂。文章信息量大,在雾状物体重建部分,除了重建烟雾或者火焰之外,甚至涉及到如何重建作为雾状结构的星云。截止2010年,尚没有通用的解决反光物体、折射透明物体的重建方法。




This state of the art report covers reconstruction methods for transparent and specular objects or phenomena. While the 3D acquisition of opaque surfaces with Lambertian reflectance is a well-studied problem, transparent, refractive, specular and potentially dynamic scenes pose challenging problems for acquisition systems. This report reviews and categorizes the literature in this field.

Despite tremendous interest in object digitization, the acquisition of digital models of transparent or specular objects is far from being a solved problem. On the other hand, real-world data is in high demand for applications such as object modelling, preservation of historic artefacts and as input to data-driven modelling techniques. With this report we aim at providing a reference for and an introduction to the field of transparent and specular object reconstruction.

We describe acquisition approaches for different classes of objects. Transparent objects/phenomena that do not change the straight ray geometry can be found foremost in natural phenomena. Refraction effects are usually small and can be considered negligible for these objects. Phenomena as diverse as fire, smoke, and interstellar nebulae can be modelled using a straight ray model of image formation. Refractive and specular surfaces on the other hand change the straight rays into usually piecewise linear ray paths, adding additional complexity to the reconstruction problem. Translucent objects exhibit significant sub-surface scattering effects rendering traditional acquisition approaches unstable. Different classes of techniques have been developed to deal with these problems and good reconstruction results can be achieved with current state-of-the-art techniques. However, the approaches are still specialized and targeted at very specific object classes. We classify the existing literature and hope to provide an entry point to this exiting field.

Keywords: range scanning, transparent, specular, and volumetric objects

ACM CCS: I.4.8 Scene Analysis, Range Data, Shape I.2.10 Vision and Scene Understanding, 3D Scene Analysis.





ACM CCS(Association for Computing Machinery, Computing Classification System, 计算机协会计算机分类学): I.4.8 场景分析,距离数据,形状;I.2.10 视觉和场景理解,3D场景分析。



4. Refractive Surface Acquisition

5. Volumetric Phenomena

5.1. Tomographic approaches

5.1.1. Fire and smoke
5.1.3. Biological specimen

5.2. Transparency in multi-view stero

5.3.1 Laser sheet scanning

6. Conclusions
