055 Environment Matting and Compositing

Zhangwenniu 于 2023-11-27 发布



Environment Matting and Compositing



Douglas E. Zongker 1 Dawn M. Werner 1 Brian Curless1 David H. Salesin 1,2

1 University of Washington 2 Microsoft Research



Home - Collections - ACM Seminal Works - Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2 - Environment Matting and Compositing

Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2August 2023Article No.: 56 Pages 537–546 https://doi.org/10.1145/3596711.3596768 Published:02 August 2023



https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/311535.311558, 发表于1999年的SIGGRAPH上.



author = {Zongker, Douglas E. and Werner, Dawn M. and Curless, Brian and Salesin, David H.},
title = {Environment Matting and Compositing},
year = {1999},
isbn = {0201485605},
publisher = {ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.},
address = {USA},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/311535.311558},
doi = {10.1145/311535.311558},
abstract = {This paper introduces a new process, environment matting, which captures not just a foreground object and its traditional opacity matte from a real-world scene, but also a description of how that object refracts and reflects light, which we call an environment matte. The foreground object can then be placed in a new environment, using environment compositing, where it will refract and reflect light from that scene. Objects captured in this way exhibit not only specular but glossy and translucent effects, as well as selective attenuation and scattering of light according to wavelength. Moreover, the environment compositing process, which can be performed largely with texture mapping operations, is fast enough to run at interactive speeds on a desktop PC. We compare our results to photos of the same objects in real scenes. Applications of this work include the relighting of objects for virtual and augmented reality, more realistic 3D clip art, and interactive lighting design.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques},
pages = {205–214},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {blue-screen matting, colored transparency, augmented reality, environment matte, image-based rendering, reflection, refraction, clip art, alpha channel, interactive lighting design, environment map, blue spill},
series = {SIGGRAPH '99}

author = {Zongker, Douglas E. and Werner, Dawn M. and Curless, Brian and Salesin, David H.},
title = {Environment Matting and Compositing},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400708978},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
edition = {1},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3596711.3596768},
abstract = {This paper introduces a new process, environment matting, which captures not just a foreground object and its traditional opacity matte from a real-world scene, but also a description of how that object refracts and reflects light, which we call an environment matte. The foreground object can then be placed in a new environment, using environment compositing, where it will refract and reflect light from that scene. Objects captured in this way exhibit not only specular but glossy and translucent effects, as well as selective attenuation and scattering of light according to wavelength. Moreover, the environment compositing process, which can be performed largely with texture mapping operations, is fast enough to run at interactive speeds on a desktop PC. We compare our results to photos of the same objects in real scenes. Applications of this work include the relighting of objects for virtual and augmented reality, more realistic 3D clip art, and interactive lighting design.},
booktitle = {Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2},
articleno = {56},
numpages = {10}



This paper introduces a new process, environment matting,which captures not just a foreground object and its traditional opacity matte from a real-world scene, but also a description of how that object refracts and reflects light, which we call an environment matte. The foreground object can then be placed in a new environment, using environment compositing, where it will refract and reflect light from that scene. Objects captured in this way exhibit not only specular but glossy and translucent effects, as well as selective attenuation and scattering of light according to wavelength. Moreover, the environment compositing process, which can be performed largely with texture mapping operations, is fast enough to run at interactive speeds on a desktop PC. We compare our results to photos of the same objects in real scenes. Applications of this work include the relighting of objects for virtual and augmented reality, more realistic 3D clip art, and interactive lighting design.


9-231127. Environment Matting and Compositing. 文章发表于1999年的SIGGRAPH上,后被2023年评选为近50年间有影响力文章,收录于Seminal Graphics Papers: Pushing the Boundaries, Volume 2. 文章提出环境抠图技术,提取透明物体的前景之外,同时了解透明物体是如何对光线作用的,并用于该透明物体在新环境下的视角合成。

​10-231128. Environment Matting and Compositing. 本文提出透明前景物体的环境抠图方法,提供出透明前景物体如何与环境光作用,并用于将透明物体放置在新环境下的图像合成。图像拍摄由背景及左右两侧共三面的绿色、洋红色条纹格雷码作为环境光拍摄得到,该色彩选定原因是在RGB空间的正交性及拥有相近的亮度。文章假设成像的像素由前景颜色、按比例透光后的背景颜色、从周围环境中反射或折射所得到的颜色,这三部分加和组成。文中主要解决第三部分,即从周围环境中反射或折射得到的颜色的近似方式,该数值由反射比率函数以及环境纹理图的映射求加权乘积和得到。文章同时展示该方法在带颜色香槟、反光平面、透明棱台、不同深度下的放大镜新视角合成的效果。


2 The environment matte

3.3 The area extents and a refined estimate of coverage